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Everything for the First Time


Big Midnight also has released only one album, Everything for the First Time, which came out on Alive Records in 2003.  Allmusic immediately notes in their review by Brian O’Neill, “Actually, there is nothing here that you will be hearing for the first time” and continues:  “Everything for the First Time could have as easily came out in 1973 as it did in 2003.  Call ’em ‘the Rolling Stooges and the band will have to plead guilty, as Big Midnight combines the nihilism of Iggy Pop (‘Love for Sin’ could have been a [David] Bowie or [Lou] Reed side written specifically with Ig in mind) with the bloozey, boozy swagger of Keith Richardscrew.” 


Great tracks on the album include the band’s single, “Doin’ All Right”, described by Creem magazine this way:  “These denim-clad, sunglass-sporting, Rolling Stones-patched hombres from the Bay Area have crafted a great smoking-in-the-high-school-parking-lot vibe on this debut single.”  “All the Dreams”, “Love for Sin” and “Spent Too Much” are slower, almost pensive numbers that are unlike anything on The Richmond Sluts; and “(You) Treat Me Too Bad” is another terrific number.  As with the Richmond Sluts album though, every song is well crafted and well performed. 


(June 2014)

