Cord Rees


In 1967Mick Farren launched his first rock band, the Social Deviants with himself as vocalist, pianist and songwriter, plus Pete Munro (bass guitar), Clive Muldoon (guitar), Mike Robinson (guitar), and Russell Hunter (drums).  After Muldoon and Munro left the band, Sid Bishop (guitar) and Cord Rees (bass) joined up, and the name was shortened to the Deviants


After Cord Rees left the DeviantsMick Farren’s flatmate Duncan Sanderson became the new bassist.  This line-up produced the band’s second album Disposable in 1968.  Although the musical ideas and commitment of the band were just as strong as on their debut, the execution was a little lacking in places, so this album is something of a disappointment.  The cover shot shows a whole crowd of people, so maybe there was a “too-many-cooks” problem.

(March 2014/1)