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Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin  (born 7 October 1952) is a Russian politician, and is the current President of the Russian Federation.  Putin has been the President of Russia since 7 May 2012.  Putin was Prime Minister from 1999 to 2000, President from 2000 to 2008, and again Prime Minister from 2008 to 2012.  (More from Wikipedia)

Another all-woman rock band that has been in the news lately is the Russian feminist punk/protest rock band Pussy Riot.  Along with the provocative name, the band features an ever-changing line-up of musicians and often performs in disguise.  In February 2012Pussy Riot staged a protest at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, which was aimed at the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church who was supporting Vladimir Putin in his bid to be re-elected President of Russia (the band regards Putin as a dictator).  After church security officers ejected the bandmembers, Pussy Riot quickly created a music video of their performance entitled “Punk Prayer – Mother of God, Chase Putin Away!”. 


(December 2013)


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Wow, five years – now that’s something to celebrate. 


But first a retrospective of the past year.  Most satisfying no doubt was being able to write about the courageous Russian punk/protest band with the provocative name, Pussy Riot.  How many Western bands and rock artists can say that they have been to jail for their art?  Joan Baez maybe, but I think it was actually a husband of hers.  I cannot remember its coming up even in the Civil Rights era. 


Anyway, Pussy Riot had the goods on Vladimir Putin years before anyone in the West had figured out his true colors.  


(Year 5 Review)