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Tom Robinson

Tom Robinson  (born 1 June 1950) is a British singer-songwriter, bassist and radio presenter, best known for the hits “Glad to Be Gay”, “2-4-6-8 Motorway”, and “Don’t Take No for an Answer”, with his Tom Robinson Band.  He later peaked at No. 6 in the UK Singles Chart with his solo single “War Baby”.  (More from Wikipedia)

Other 1970’s recordings have danced around gay issues, such as Rod Stewart’s 1976 minor hit “The Killing of Georgie” – about the murder of a gay friend of his in New York back when he was in Faces – and it was an open secret that Freddie Mercury was gay though closeted; he was the frontman of a band called Queen after all.  It was many years later though before openly gay songs and performers would arrive on the popular music scene, such as British  musician Tom Robinson in the late 1970’s (he collaborated with Peter Gabriel on one EP that I own), and mid-1980’s sensation Frankie Goes to Hollywood.  By the way, it is interesting that the first hit songs by arguably the two most famous Liverpool rock bands – the Beatles’ Please Please Me and Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s “Relax” – deal fairly openly with the topic of oral sex. 


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Along with fellow King Crimson alumnus, Ian McDonald plus Jakko Jakszyk (who had previously played with Level 42, Tom RobinsonRobert Fripp and Dave Stewart, among others), the Giles Brothers formed a band in 2002 called 21st Century Schizoid Band, which was named after the King Crimson song, 21st Century Schizoid Man (the opening track on In the Court of the Crimson King).  Though not exactly a tribute band – since they were the original musicians on much of the music – 21st Century Schizoid Band mainly played music from the first four King Crimson albums.  They disbanded within a few years. 


(March 2013)