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Andy Kaufman

Andy Kaufman  (January 17, 1949 – May 16, 1984) was an American entertainer, actor, and performance artist.  While often referred to as a comedian, Kaufman did not consider himself to be one.  He disdained telling jokes and engaging in comedy as it was traditionally understood, referring to himself instead as a “song-and-dance man”.  Pranks and elaborate ruses were major elements of his career.  His body of work maintains a cult following, and he continues to be respected for his original material, performance style, and unflinching commitment to character.  (More from Wikipedia)

Leon Redbone generally performed while sitting scrunched up on a stool, wearing a Panama hat with a black band, along with dark glasses; and there was always a mysterious air about him, leading to rumors that he was an alternate identity of Frank Zappa (his mustache and bit of beard looked a lot like Zappa’s would if it were trimmed back) or comedian Andy Kaufman.  We went to a concert of his once but eventually lost interest and left at halftime; the same thing happened another time when we saw folksinger Burl Ives


(March 2013)