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White House Evening of Poetry, Music and the Spoken Word


The first any of us knew about it was at the nationally televised White House Evening of Poetry, Music and the Spoken Word on May 12, 2009.  Instead of performing songs from In the HeightsLin-Manuel Miranda told the audience:  "I'm thrilled the White House called me here tonight because I'm actually working on a hip hop album.  It's a concept album about the life of someone I think embodies hip hop:  Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton."
Lin-Manuel Miranda had expected the incredulous laughter that greeted this statement, and it continued during his performance of a rough-cut number from the future musical Hamilton, though there was enthusiastic applause at the end.  On its face, the idea is absurd:  The early days of our nation and the birth of hip hop are separated by two full centuries.  But Miranda has connected the dots:  Alexander Hamilton was an immigrant to this country who was born in the West Indies and orphaned at a young age.  Hamilton did not so much speak sentences as he did paragraphs; the rapid-fire singing in hip hop was ideal for getting those dense passages out to an audience.  And as related in Wikipedia, the following story about Hamilton’s use of his writing to get him out of a miserable life is in precisely the same spirit as impoverished African-Americans who try to rap their way out of the ghetto:
[Alexander] Hamilton wrote an essay published in the Royal Danish-American Gazette, a detailed account of a hurricane which had devastated Christiansted [now in the U. S. Virgin Islands] on August 30, 1772.  His biographer [Ron Chernow] says that, 'Hamilton's famous letter about the storm astounds the reader for two reasons:  For all its bombastic excesses, it does seem wondrous the 17-year-old self-educated clerk could write with such verve and gusto.  Clearly, Hamilton was highly literate and already had considerable fund of verbal riches.’  The essay impressed community leaders, who collected a fund to send the young Hamilton to the North American colonies for his education.”
*       *       *
In a post entitled “How Eloquence Made History Class Cool Again” in the blog Rhetoric, Media and the Civic LifeSamantha Biel notes that Lin-Manuel Miranda’s performance at the White House in 2009 was almost word-for-word from the opening song “Alexander Hamilton” in Hamilton:
     How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore, and a Scotsman,
     Dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in
     The Caribbean by providence impoverished, in squalor,
     Grow up to be a hero and a scholar?
     . . .
     Then a hurricane came, and devastation reigned
     Our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain
     Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain
     And he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain
     Well, the word got around, they said, this kid is insane, man
     Took up a collection just to send him to the mainland
     Get your education, don't forget from whence you came and
     The world is gonna know your name, what's your name, man?
     Alexander Hamilton
(September 2016)