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Night Flight

Night Flight  is an online visual-arts magazine and variety television show that originated on cable TV network USA Network.  It originally aired from 1981 to 1988 before moving to syndication in the early 1990s.  The show relaunched online on nightflight.com in 2015 with original episodes that can be streamed on the subscription channel Night Flight Plus.  It includes a mix of mainstream and alternative music videos, artist interviews, B movies, documentaries, short films, stand up comedy, cartoons, and more.  (More from Wikipedia)
The first rap song that I remember liking is “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.  I first heard it as a video, probably on the USA Network’s Night Flight program and others like it that showcased cutting-edge music videos.  The song came out in 1982, and I likely saw it around that time period.  (MTV launched on August 1, 1981, but not everyone had it on their cable system right away, leading to the common chant:  “I want my MTV!”).  
(September 2016)
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Also on tap this coming year is an overview of New Wave Theatre, a fascinating public-access show that presented LA-area punk rock bands amongst other assorted weirdness that would air at the end of the popular late-night program Night Flight on USA Network.  I have poked around on the Internet, and even though all of the episodes are now available on YouTube, not much has been written about the show – the Wikipedia article on New Wave Theatre has basically two or three paragraphs.  Thus, I am going to have to do some primary research before I can get this post put together.  I do plenty of that with the UARB’s and UARA’s, but for the remainder of the posts, I typically lean on Wikipedia and Allmusic.  In other words, that is something else that I have been putting off.  I had always hoped to at least keep this up for at least 10 years, but I am not there yet.
(Year 8 Review)