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Following their move to the well-regarded SST Records label, Slovenly released their second album, Thinking of Empire that is described by Allmusic as a “flowering of art-punk influences and California punk mindset that is one of the great lost classics of the 1980s”.  The album that I picked up, Riposte is considered to be nearly as good and heralded a subtle shift in their style by the addition of acoustical guitars and a more abstract sound that continued on their next two albums.
(November 2010)
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Two audio-only tracks from the Slovenly album that I have, Riposte are available on YouTube:  “The Way Untruths Are” at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-q_ZTpLJZE , and “On the Surface” at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXxSNHkNuxo&feature=relmfu .  A live track of their song “Orange Crush” (from their 1984 album After the Original Style) can be heard at:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7it1Tlft2M&feature=related .  If you like what you hear, there are plenty more available on the YouTube website.  
(November 2012)
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Here is the Slovenly album, Riposte  that I have: 

Here is the cover of the notorious German children’s stories called Der Struwwelpeter that were translated by Mark Twain; the album cover of the Slovenly album, Riposte is an alternate version. 




(November 2013)