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I also included a description in that article of a similar album that I truly love:  Nachgedanken, by a German band called Schattenfreiheit.  Like last month’s UARBDead Hippie, there was virtually nothing about this band on the Internet until fairly recently.  (Oddly enough though, this was one of the first albums where I was able to find images of both sides of the album cover; images of back album covers are much more available now but were quite rare 5 or 6 years ago).  I am really not trying to show off in my writings about Under-Appreciated Rock Bands and Rock Artists, but I mostly want to showcase bands and artists that people might actually be able to locate on CD or YouTube or at a used record store or whatever, rather than albums like this that are crazy-rare.  Needless to say, there is nothing on YouTube by Schattenfreiheit either. 
(August 2012)
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At long last, my UARB posts are beginning to come up at high positions on Google searches.  A few days ago, I looked for Schattenfreiheit and their album Nachgedanken – they are not officially a UARB, though I talked about them in the post for past UARB Queen Anne’s Lace – and I was thrilled to see my UARB post show up second in the search.  Of course, there were only 10 results today for that search (and just 4 the other day).  However, just now a Google search for “the Invisible Eyes band” (with no quote marks) generated 17,600,000 results; and my original Facebook post for the band was #2 on that search also.  That is truly thrilling for me; Wikipedia entries come up high on a Google search more or less automatically, so I missed seeing high placement on Google for my work. 


(December 2014)

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There are plenty of rock bands out there that do not have a Wikipedia article yet, and I already have the LP or CD in hand.  I alphabetized my CD’s a year or so back, and picking a row almost at random, here are some potential future UARB’s and UARA’sKing Richard and the Knights (a wonderful 1960’s garage rock band from Albuquerque that actually I was pretty sure had a Wikipedia article, though I can’t seem to find it now), Level with the Ground (a local band that came along about the same time as 3 Doors Down – as with Schattenfreiheit though, a German duo who put out a self-published album that is among my all-time favorites, they are too obscure to make the UARB list), Looters (I have written about them before but had not realized they were a potential UARB – an inventive world-music band that, unaccountably, was a favorite of many Bay Area punk rock bands, including Dead Kennedys), the Love Drunks (an Alive Records punk rock band, with quite affected vocal stylings), and Martin (how could I resist that one?  His full name is Martin Kember).  That is actually a pretty good list of potential UARB’s and UARA’s; I will have to do this more often! 
(Year 8 Review)