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“Triad”  is a song written by David Crosby in 1967 about a ménage à trois, a subject perfectly in keeping with the “free love” hippie philosophies of the day.  It was not included on the album they were recording at the time, The Notorious Byrd Brothers.  Crosby gave the song to Jefferson Airplane, who recorded it on their 1968 album, Crown of Creation.  (More from Wikipedia)
When I was still in high school, I joined a friend at one of his friend’s houses. I had just started listening to the local college radio station, and my own suggestions of songs (“Triad” by Jefferson Airplane was one) earned me only disdainful looks – well deserved, too, once I started hearing his record collection.  I was starting to gain some recognition as the first high-profile Bob Dylan fan in my age group, but this day showed me that I still had a lot to learn. 
(December 2009)