One of the Marine Girls – a British band from the early 1980’s – Tracey Thorn became the female half of one of my very favorite bands, Everything but the Girl; the male half, Ben Watt was the photographer for the cover for their second and last album, Lazy Ways. (May 2010) * * * The bottom line is that I just never have made enough money to pay full retail for every piece of music that I want to buy. As an example, I have been a big fan of Everything but the Girl basically from the first time that I heard “Missing”; and I can’t tell you how many times I went to the mall CD store in the 1990’s intending to finally get one of their earlier CD’s, only to be stopped short by the prices every time. Paying $14.95 for 10 songs, and I don’t know a single one of them? One day I went to the big semi-annual Record Convention in Hillsborough, NC and found an Everything but the Girl LP for around $4 and also an album by; that was the more obscure band that Tracey Thorn was in before EBTG was formed. The latter album was priced at about $10, and that album was definitely worth the price. (November 2012) |