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Tracey Thorn

Tracey Thorn  (born 26 September 1962) is an English singer, songwriter and writer.  She is best known as being one half of the duo Everything but the Girl.  (More from Wikipedia)
One of the Marine Girls – a British band from the early 1980’sTracey Thorn became the female half of one of my very favorite bands, Everything but the Girl; the male half, Ben Watt was the photographer for the cover for their second and last album, Lazy Ways.  
(May 2010)
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The bottom line is that I just never have made enough money to pay full retail for every piece of music that I want to buy.  As an example, I have been a big fan of Everything but the Girl basically from the first time that I heard “Missing”; and I can’t tell you how many times I went to the mall CD store in the 1990’s intending to finally get one of their earlier CD’s, only to be stopped short by the prices every time.  Paying $14.95 for 10 songs, and I don’t know a single one of them?  One day I went to the big semi-annual Record Convention in Hillsborough, NC and found an Everything but the Girl LP for around $4 and also an album by; that was the more obscure band that Tracey Thorn was in before EBTG was formed.  The latter album was priced at about $10, and that album was definitely worth the price. 
(November 2012)