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Pebbles, Volume 1 ESD CD

 Pebbles, Volume 1  is a compilation album among the CDs in the Pebbles series and is actually the first CD to be released in the series.  This is a different album from the Pebbles, Volume 1 CD that was released by AIP Records in 1992.  (More from Wikipedia)
The best-known song by Bohemian VendettaEnough shows up on numerous garage-rock and psychedelic-rock compilation albums, including Ear-Piercing Punk (both the LP and the CD) and the original Pebbles, Volume 1 CD.  There are several YouTube entries for this song, including this one:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1dIGlVZGI4 ; all are basically audio only, but one of them (not this one) shows a completely unrelated movie clip in the background (also apparently from the 1960’s).  
(April 2013)