Conversely, one might think that deafness and music would not mix at all; but I trust that we have all by now seen the terrific Richard Dreyfuss movie Mr. Holland’s Opus that puts the lie to that notion. (For what it’s worth, I have had several people tell me that I bear a certain resemblance to Dreyfuss – particularly from the back I would say). The best known example is that of Ludwig van Beethoven (as long as I have mentioned Blind Melon, I might as well bring up the quirky 1990’s band Camper Van Beethoven, who dedicated one of their albums to Patty Hearst). Beethoven grew increasingly deaf as he got older; and by the time his Ninth Symphony was finished, he was profoundly deaf. Considering that this is one of the most beloved musical compositions of all time, his lack of hearing was certainly not a problem for this musical giant. (June 2011) |