Andy Colquhoun and Mick Farren first got together in 1977 when Andy asked Mick to help out with lyrics for some of the songs on the album he was making with the punk band Warsaw Pakt. Andy had previously been in an R&B band called the Rockets and started the band with two members of that band, John Manly and Jimmie Coull.  You might remember the direct-to-disc recording technique that was briefly popular among audiophiles toward the putative end of the vinyl era in the late 1970's; the recorded music from the studio is transferred directly to a master disk without intervening taping and overdubbing and such. Warsaw Pakt has the distinction of performing on the first such transfer among rock recordings and even got an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records for their trouble. Of course, this was also the standard means of recording music after Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, well into the 1950's.  (August 2011)  |